This week I was busy as a bee, or should I say I was getting busy with a girl named Bee. Well, it was a little of both because Bee has a sister named Boo who was too shy to be on camera, but she didn't mind a little short time money to show off her skills. Needless to say I got the ultimate reward by unloading my wad in her mouth. Anyway, a few days later I finally got to fuck Bee and just like her sister, she too took my nut directly in her mouth. I wasted little time in getting down to business, in fact it was literally a few words and Bee was on my cock faster than a Bee on Pollen. This girl really thought like a buzzing bee too, milking my cock for every drop of white creamy honey she could get her tongue on. Now I'm just waiting to hear from a third sister who is arriving next week. Hey its all about healthy family relations here at Asian Suck Dolls!
Bee, Pattaya, 22 years old [Jun 5, 2016] - Asian Suck Dolls
Channel: Asian Suck Dolls