Sexy Asian Nurse Student Drains My Balls - Asian Sex Diary

Channel: Asian Sex Diary

CHECK OUT THIS REALLY CUTE AND ASPIRING SEXY ASIAN NURSE THAT I BAGGED TODAY! Dear Diary - I went back to Hollywood Disco, where it took me some time to find a girl. There was only tourists there, at first, but later on… a sexy Asian nurse student came in that I instantly liked. She has this beautiful long hair and a sweet innocent smile. We talked and she agreed, almost immediately, to go with me. Her name is Toto. She’s a Thai girl that almost never goes out… and this is exactly what I needed! Read More ...Read Less Once in the room, she even seemed more romantic than I expected. She was all into kissing and got shy when I asked her to undress. Just look at how pure and innocent this 20yo future sexy Asian nurse shines when she is nude, my God! I ate her small cute pussy, to warm her up, but she was too shy for giving me a blowjob. I then just fucked and creampied her. Loved it. She asked if we could meet again. Toto is, for sure, a keeper! I love sticky Asian nurses!
