Check out 19 12 months old Thai bargirl A. If there’s one factor A was placed on this earth to do its suck cock and swallow cum. That’s about all she’s good for anyhow. A handful, a mouthful, after which one other handful. I suppose I'm summarizing my expertise with A, a 19yr old Asian bar woman. Her tits have been a handful, my cock was a mouthful, however her total persona…properly it was what we are saying a handful. The sort of woman that after 5 minutes you both need to stroll a means from, or first dump your nut of their face after which…run away. I did simply that and I've no regrets. I can cum all that a lot tougher once I know I'm about to drop my wad on the face of a lady who completely deserves it. But hey, at the least her superior cock sucking ability made up for her boring persona. These Thai bargirls are solely good for one factor anyhow…good ol cock in mouth motion. Who's subsequent?
A, Jomtien, 19 years old [Nov 12, 2017] - Asian Suck Dolls
Channel: Asian Suck Dolls