Flat-Breasted Asian Sucks Dick, Rides And Cums Like It’s Her 1st & Last - TukTuk Patrol

Channel: TukTuk Patrol

HORNY SMALL-TITS ASIAN SUCKING DICK AND GETTING HER PUSSY DESTROYED BY AN ACTUAL TUKTUK PATROL SUBSCRIBER! Welcome back and to those in countries that celebrate it; happy Labour Day, everyone! Mr Nice brings along a new Singaporean friend, Francis, to try his muster at layin’ n slayin’ Thai pussy on camera. Read More ...Read Less Being a long-time huge fan, he stepped up to the plate and joined the ranks of those that came, tried and conquered. What he didn’t know was that he was about to snare himself a lay-by that would long stand in our spank banks for years to cum. We love Tan’s beautiful small firm tits and we especially her desire for cock. It just screams of a long-standing repression of desires and needs. One even wonders if it ever saw the light of day before. That’s just how tight her pussy is. A story to be told to friends over drinks, UFC fights and football. Difference here is that for $29.95 a month, there is proof that his buddies can look up on tuktukpatrol.com. WATCH THIS FLAT ASIAN SUCK DICK AND REV HER PUSSY INTO HIGH GEAR Tan, as she nicknames herself, was more than laid and slayed by our new stickman here. From gobbling his cock with a huge dick-eating grin on her face to getting her pussy over-aroused with nothing in it. You will be treated to a pleasantly invigorating barrage of this 23 year old Thai bundle of fun. She tried out EVERY position that her pounding lil’ heart desires. All for yours and our benefits, of course. (Update Feb 2018 - Do you think that you have what it takes to slay pussy on camera, too? Are you an experienced videographer touring Asia that has adventures to share? We want to hear from you. Send us your resume here.)
